Thursday, February 18, 2010

The Digital Collections of Harvard College Library

The Digital Collections of Harvard College Library is now available on the College Library web site. It features an index page called Explore the Collections that leads to individual descriptions each of HCL’s collections, as well as to information about Projects in Progress and other Harvard resources. There is also a page describing the HCL Collections Digitization Program.

There's a plethora of fascinating material here, and I hope it is useful to you for your research and study.
At your service,

Thursday, February 4, 2010

Upcoming RefWorks Basics Sessions at Lamont Library

Steve Kuehler and Chris Lenney, members of the Reference Services staff at Lamont Library, will offer a 50-minute training session in the basics of RefWorks on Wednesday, February 17, at 2:00pm. The class will be held in Room 310 on the third floor of Lamont.

RefWorks is a citation organizer that can import citations directly from many of Harvard’s library databases; create your bibliography in the format you choose; and insert citations or footnotes in your text as you write. This session will get you started in building and using your own RefWorks database.

All students, faculty, and staff are welcome, just register in advance (space is limited). Please get in touch with Steve ( or Chris ( to do so.

At your service,

Monday, February 1, 2010

The Index to Ming Dynasty Chinese Paintings

The Fine Arts Library has just announced the launch of a new electronic resource, the Index to Ming Dynasty Chinese Paintings, a searchable database of over 10,000 records with information on Chinese painters and paintings of the mid-fourteenth through mid-seventeenth century Ming dynasty period. This unique database also has searchable bibliographies about the history of Chinese painters and paintings.

The creators of the Ming Index are currently seeking queries and comments from scholars in the field. To contribute to the Index, please get in touch with Nanni Deng, Asian Art Bibliographer at the Fine Arts Library, Tel: 617-495-0570, Email:

At your service,