Wednesday, September 30, 2009
More RefWorks Sessions Being Offered
Monday, October 19, 11:00-11:50am. Room 310 (LAMONT 3rd FLOOR)
Thursday, October 22, 2:00-2:50pm. Room 310 (LAMONT 3rd FLOOR)
Wednesday, October 28, 2:00-2:50pm. Larsen Room (LAMONT 1st FLOOR)
Because space is limited, students need to sign up for the session of their choice by contacting Steve ( or Chris (, or by going to the Research Services Desk on Level B of Lamont.
At your service,
Friday, September 18, 2009
Library Orientation for New NELC Grad Students
I’ll be giving an orientation to library research for new NELC graduate students on Friday, September 25th, from 3:30 to 4:30 PM in Room G-55 on the ground floor of Widener Library. I look forward to seeing you there!
At your service,
Tuesday, September 8, 2009
* Intuitive search and display
* Defaults to relevance ranking. Sorting by date is an option.
* Suggests related terms, alternative spellings and other ways to refine or expand your search
* Forgiving search interface, relevence ranking, inclusion of tables of contents make it best for discovering what is available.
* Relevance ranking makes it good for finding known items with imprecise information (eg: the journal, Science).
HOLLIS Classic
* Use to search in non-roman alphabets
* Supports string (phrase) searching
* Best for precision searches for known items.
* Allows emailing of selected records
* Most up to date information. Use for new titles
We have been told that the new HOLLIS should be able to support searching in non-roman alphabets by the end of 2010, and that HOLLIS Classic will be maintained until it does.
Wednesday, September 2, 2009
AskUsLive! (the online chat service through which Harvard University affiliates can "speak" with a Harvard librarian in real time online) is live again, starting today. We're offering this free service Sundays through Thursdays, 3PM-9PM; to use it just click on the AskUsLive! icon on the Harvard College Library web site home page.
At your service,
Tuesday, September 1, 2009
Scan & Deliver: Easy, Free, Green
Scan and Deliver is an electronic document delivery service which enables you to obtain scans of book chapters or journal articles from participating Harvard libraries. The current list of Scan and Deliver-participating libraries includes: Andover Theology, Baker, Cabot, Chemistry, Countway, Ernst Mayr, Fine Arts, Frances Loeb Design, Fung, Gutman, Kennedy, Lamont (Poetry Room and Government Documents only), Law, Loeb Music, Physics Research, Tozzer, and Widener. For more information on the service, please see the Scan and Deliver FAQ.
At your service,