Thursday, August 26, 2010

RefWorks Workshops

RefWorks is a citation management tool that simplifies the “busy work” of research. It can import citations directly from HOLLIS and library databases; create your bibliography in the format you choose; and insert citations or footnotes in your text as you write.

Librarians of the Harvard College Library will offer these 50-minute training sessions in the basics of RefWorks at Lamont Library:

Tuesday, September 7, 3:00pm (Room B30, Lamont Level B)

Wednesday, September 15, 2:00pm (Room B30, Lamont Level B)

Thursday, September 23, 4:00pm (Room 310, Lamont 3rd Floor)

Tuesday, September 28, 2:00pm (Room B30, Lamont Level B)

All Harvard students, faculty, and staff are welcome, but registration is necessary because space is limited. To sign up, contact one of the instructors:
Steve Kuehler (
Chris Lenney (
Kerry Masteller (
Liza Vick (

For general tips on using RefWorks and other citation tools, such as EndNote and Zotero, go to

At your service,

New Library Liaisons

Just to let folks know: my responsibilities have changed since last year, and I will no longer be a library liaison to the East Asian Languages and Civilizations Department. Ray Lum ( will continue to be a library liaison to the Department, and he is joined by:

Mikyung Kang, Librarian for the Korean Collection, Harvard-Yenching Library,, 617-495-0572

Xiaohe Ma, Librarian for the Chinese Collection, Harvard-Yenching Library,, 617-496-2810

Kuniko McVey, Librarian for the Japanese Collection, Harvard-Yenching Library,, 617-495-3395

Sharon Yang, Head of Access Services, Harvard-Yenching Library,, 617-496-3623

I have enjoyed working with members of EALC very much, and I am sure the Department will be well served in future by the liaisons from Harvard-Yenching Library.

Best wishes,