Monday, February 9, 2009

Image Collections at Harvard

Lately a number of the researchers with whom I’ve been working have been very interested in finding images online, so I thought I’d highlight a few of the image collections to which you have access as a Harvard researcher:

AP Multimedia Archive (AccuNet): a searchable database of over 700,000 Associated Press photographs, charts and other graphics from the 1840s to the present. Captions and credits are included, and images can be downloaded for later use. This database can be searched by topic, location, date and concept.
ARTstor: a database of digital images and accompanying scholarly information for use in art history and other humanistic fields of learning, including the related social sciences. The ARTstor Digital Library includes approximately 300,000 images covering art, architecture and archeology.
CAMIO (Catalog of Art Museum Images Online): contains digital images and detailed descriptions for over 115,000 works of art from major museums in the United States and Canada. Simple or advanced modes allow searching by artist, title of work, date, medium, subject, collection, and location. The standard for image resolution is 1024 x 768 pixels. Images may be printed and exported for educational purposes.
Directory to Photographs at Harvard: an online guide to the photograph collections held in libraries, archives, museums, and teaching hospitals throughout Harvard, an estimated total of 47 repositories holding approximately 7.5 million photographic images. The Directory serves as a general reference for researchers interested in exploring the collections and offers a bird’s-eye view of resources that span more than a century and a half, from the dawn of photography to the present day.
Finding Images of East Asia at Harvard and Beyond: a research guide created by Harvard College Librarians for locating Chinese, Japanese, and Korean images at Harvard and outside of Harvard.
MasterFILE Premier (EBSCOhost): full text of 2,000 journals in a broad range of disciplines including general reference, business, education, health, general science, and multi-cultural issues.
Oxford Art Online: a comprehensive art reference work covering all aspects of Western and non-Western visual art: painting, sculpture, architecture, graphic and decorative arts, and photography from prehistory to the 1990s. It includes the full text of The Dictionary of Art (1996, 34 volumes), a landmark reference work containing more than 45,000 articles contributed by 6,700 scholars from 120 countries. Each year, new articles are added to enhance the coverage of significant areas of the visual arts with the participation of more than 1,000 international art historians.
Visual Information Access (VIA): a union catalog of visual resources at Harvard and Radcliffe, including information about slides, photographs, objects and artifacts in the university's libraries, museums and archives. To date only portions of each repository's holdings are described in the online catalog. As available, thumbnail images are linked to the catalog records.
WikiMedia Commons: a repository of free content images, sound and other multimedia files.

Hope you find some useful images here! but do be aware that the materials available through these collections are just the tip of the iceburg when it comes to image collections, certainly here at Harvard. There are many more -- and I'll be glad to point you to them if you need more for your research.

At your service,

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